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Most seniors today are comfortable with computers and the Internet.  Below is a list of Forums and Facebook pages that will expand the range of thoughts and ideas available to web-savvy seniors.  These resources will allow seniors to keep in touch with like-minded others as an additional way to exchange ideas, opinions, and information.


Aging Alone – This Facebook group is “a place for individuals to seek and offer support regarding growing older in our society without a network of support and sometimes finding the path bumpy or lonely.”

Aging Care – This group provides support and friendship the caretakers of those growing older.

ALZ Connected – This message board is for anyone connected or affected by Alzheimer’s or other cognitive decline. Find support and get advice.


Best Life for Seniors – This Facebook group highlights the benefits of growing older. This is a private group.

Buzz 50 – This is another over-fifty Facebook group for seniors around the world to share ideas.


Elder Guru – This Facebook group brings mature adults together to share their lives and experiences through social media.  They were the source of this list.

Elder Orphans Facebook Group – This group focuses on seniors without a spouse or children.


GransNet – This forum is for grandparents to connect and chat with other grandparents on all topics.


Facebook Meet Up – The Meet Up group lets seniors meet compatible other seniors in their area. It is not a dating site.


Just Us Seniors – This group is for seniors to interact and share stories and anecdotes. Just a few friends getting together for a chat.


Lesbian Co-housing & Retirement Communities – This Facebook is “a place to discuss interest in and need for elder and inter-generational lesbian living arrangements.”

Lesbian Seniors’ Network – This is a Facebook group for – you guessed it, lesbian seniors.


My Itchy Travel Feet – This Facebook groups helps seniors find bargains and the best prices for traveling.


Never Mind the Bus Pass – This website has a humorous take on life after 50.


Older Is Wiser – Here seniors over 50 can find relevant forums and chat rooms.

On Her Own But Not Alone – This Facebook group is meant to educate and support female travelers.

Our Time – This is a dating site for mature singles.


Plant Based Over 50 – This Facebook group is “for all over 50s who are interested in a healthy lifestyle.”


Red Hat Society – For all women to develop friendships and enjoy activities together.

Reddit.com/r/Seniors/ – A Reddit senior discussion forum.


Senior Forums – A forum for discussions about all things related to seniors.

Senior Net – This is a senior group open to discussions about all types of topics.

Seniors Aloud – This is the senior site for news about money, health, and all things of interest to seniors.

Seniors Only Club – Many topics for opinion and sharing ideas.

Senior Site – This site covers all topics of relevance to seniors.

Solo In Style: Women Over 50 Traveling Solo & Loving It! – A Facebook for those who fit its name.

Stitch – Stick brings people over 50 together to share activities and make new friends.


University of Third Age – Senior can further their education online with this Facebook


Women’s Facebook RV – This connects and supports women involved in the RV lifestyle.

NOTE:  We have a policy of producing all original material for this BLOG; however, we discovered a list of resources that our regular readers will likely find very interesting and useful.  So, giving credit where credit is due, we are sharing (almost) verbatim a list compiled by ElderGuru.com by Derrick